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Program Details (Listed by Date)

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November 8 (Fri.)
SS01) Neuro Scientific Session 1 (English) Vista 1
Chairs: Yun Jung Bae (Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Korea)
Seung Chai Jung (Asan Medical Center, Korea)
Lianping Zhao (Gansu Provincial Hospital, China)
08:30- Oral Presentation
November 8 (Fri.)
SY01) Unlocking Insights into Cardiac Function: Beyond Ejection Fraction (English) Vista 2
Chairs: Dong Hyun Yang (Asan Medical Center, Korea)
Sung Min Ko (Wonju Severance Christian Hospital, Korea)
08:30-09:00 Cardiac MR 4D Flow and Kinetic Energy: Principle and Application Ming-Ting Wu
(Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital/ National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Chinese Taipei)

09:00-09:30 Exploring Valvular Heart Disease through Cardiac MRI Hyun Jung Koo
(Asan Medical Center, Korea)

09:30-10:00 Navigating Intracardiac Dynamics with 4D Flow MRI Hyungkyu Huh
(Daegu-Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation, Korea)

November 8 (Fri.)
MS01) Quantitative Imaging and Imaging Improvement (Korean & English) Vista 3
Chairs: Seung Soo Lee (University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Korea)
Jeong Hee Yoon (Seoul National University Hospital, Korea)
08:30-08:50 Liver Fat Iron Quantification (Kor.) Hae Young Kim
(Asan Medical Center, Korea)

08:50-09:10 Advanced MRI Techniques for Bowel Imaging Improvement (Kor.) Nieun Seo
(Severance Hospital, Korea)

09:10-09:30 Quantitative Imaging and Advanced Techniques Interpretation (Kor.) Sungjin Yoon
(Gil Medical Center, Korea)

09:30- Oral Presentation (Eng.)
November 8 (Fri.)
SS02) Advanced + MRE Scientific Session (English) Grand 1
Chairs: Hyunyeol Lee (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
Sung Suk Oh (K-MEDI hub (Daegu-Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation), Korea)
08:30- Oral Presentation
November 8 (Fri.)
MS02) Pediatric Session (English) Grand 2+3
Chairs: Bo-Kyung Je (Korea University Ansan Hospital, Korea)
Jae-Yeon Hwang (Seoul National University Children's Hospital, Korea)
08:30-09:00 Pediatric MR Urography Joo Y. Cho
(Emory University School of Medicine/ Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, USA)

09:00-09:30 Pediatric Liver MRI for Diffuse Liver Disease Young Hun Choi
(Seoul National University Hospital, Korea)

09:30- Oral Presentation
November 8 (Fri.)
SY02) Updates in Musculoskeletal MRI (English) Grand 4+5
Chairs: Jung-Ah Choi (Hallym University Dongtan Sacred Heart Hospital, Korea)
Jang Gyu Cha (Soonchunhyang University Bucheon Hospital, Korea)
08:30-09:15 Bone Depiction in MRI: Zero-Echo Time Imaging and Beyond Roman Guggenberger
(Medical Faculty, University of Zurich/ Cantonal Hospital Winterthur, Switzerland)

09:15-10:00 Advancements and Innovations in Magnetic Resonance Neurography: 30 Years of Evolution Moon jung Hwang
(Korea University Anam Hospital, Korea)

November 8 (Fri.)
PL01&02) Plenary Lecture 1 & 2 (English) Vista 1+2+3
Chairs: Sang Hoon Lee (Asan Medical Center, Korea)
Won-Jin Moon (Konkuk University Medical Center, Konkuk University School of Medicine, Korea)
10:50-11:30 Visualizing Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Circulation Using MRI Techniques Yoshiyuki Watanabe
(Shiga University of Medical Science, Japan)

11:30-12:10 Exploring Novel Lymphatics for Brain Clearance Gou Young Koh
(Institute for Basic Science/ KAIST, Korea)

November 8 (Fri.)
SY03) Recent Updates in Glymphatics: From Basics to Advanced Imaging (English) Vista 1
Chairs: Eung Yeop Kim (Samsung Medical Center, Korea)
Mina Park (Gangnam Severance Hospital, Korea)
14:10-14:50 MR Imaging of the Glymphatic System with IV-GBCA Shinji Naganawa
(Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan)

14:50-15:15 Perfusion Imaging for Assessment of Glymphatics Bio Joo
(Gangnam Severance Hospital, Korea)

15:15-15:40 Glymphatic Alterations in Demyelinating Diseases Minchul Kim
(Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, Korea)

November 8 (Fri.)
Joint01) Advancements in MR Neurography: Unveiling Insights into Peripheral Nerve Imaging (English) Vista 2
Chairs: Takayuki Obata (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology, Japan)
Kyung-Sik Ahn (Korea University Anam Hospital, Korea)
14:10-14:30 Anatomy of Brachial Plexus and Lumbosacral Plexus Noriyuki Fujima
(Hokkaido University Hospital, Japan)

14:30-14:50 Imaging Technique and Protocols of MR Neurography Joon-Yong Jung
(The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul St. Mary's Hospital, Korea)

14:50-15:10 Clinical Applications of MR Neurography: Upper Extremity Hajime Yokota
(Chiba University, Japan)

15:10-15:30 Clinical Applications of MR Neurography: Lower Extremity Hong Seon Lee
(Gangnam Severance Hospital, Korea)

November 8 (Fri.)
SY04) Advanced MRI Techniques (English) Vista 3
Chairs: Jin-Young Choi (Severance Hospital, Korea)
Ijin Joo (Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea)
14:10-14:30 Fast Imaging in Abdominal MRI Bohyun Kim
(The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul St. Mary's Hospital, Korea)

14:30-14:50 Recent Advanced MRI Techniques in Abdominal MRI Marcel Dominik Nickel
(Siemens Healthineers, Forchheim, Germany)

14:50-15:10 Fast Imaging in Pelvic MRI Moon Hyung Choi
(The Catholic University of Korea, Eunpyeong St. Mary's Hospital, Korea)

November 8 (Fri.)
MS03) Expanding the Area of Chest MR (English) Grand 1
Chairs: Yun-Hyeon Kim (Chonnam National University Hospital, Korea)
Woocheol Kwon (Ewha Womans University Seoul Hospital, Korea)
14:10-14:40 Proton MRI of the Lung: How to Tame Scarce Protons and Fast Signal Decay Andreas Voskrebenzev
(Hannover Medical School, Germany)

14:40-15:10 MRI for the Management of Esophageal Cancer Jooae Choe
(Asan Medical Center, Korea)

15:10- Oral Presentation
November 8 (Fri.)
SY05) MR Engineering 1 (English) Grand 2+3
Chairs: Hyun Wook Park (KAIST, Korea)
Jun-Young Chung (Gachon University, Korea)
14:10-14:40 Insights into Brain Function and Quantitative Metrics in Ultra-High Field MRI Seong Dae Yun
(Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany)

14:40-15:10 Development of An MR-Compatible Prostate Biopsy Robot: Toward Automatic Multiple Tissue Sampling Seong Young Ko
(Chonnam National University, Korea)

15:10-15:40 Whole-Brain Perfusion Mapping in Mice Using BOLD-DSC with Transient Hypoxia Thuy Thi Le
(Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research (CNIR)/ Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Korea)

November 8 (Fri.)
SY06) Quantitative Imaging of Breast MRI (English) Grand 4+5
Chairs: Sung Eun Song (Korea University Anam Hospital, Korea)
Hye Jung Kim (Kyungpook National University Chilgok Hospital, Korea)
14:10-14:40 Update on AI for MRI Amie. Y. Lee
(University of California, San Francisco, USA)

14:40-15:10 Quantification of BPE on Breast MRI Yoonho Nam
(Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea)

15:10-15:40 Radiogenomics of Breast Cancer (MRI) Jeongmin Lee
(Samsung Medical Center, Korea)

November 8 (Fri.)
MS04) Advances in Cardiac MRI Technology: Current Trends and Future Directions (English) Vista 1
Chairs: Byoung Wook Choi (Severance Hospital, Korea)
Jung Im Jung (Seoul St. Mary's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Korea)
16:00-16:30 Cardiac MR for Arrhythmic Patients: CIEDs and Atrial Fibrillation Daniel Kim
(Northwestern University, USA)

16:30-17:00 Update on Magnetic Resonance Myocardial T1ρ Mapping Xiaohu Li
(The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, China)

17:00- Oral Presentation
November 8 (Fri.)
MS05) Enhancing MSK MRI through Deep Learning Reconstruction: Clinical Insight and Applications (English) Vista 2
Chairs: Masaaki Hori (Toho University Omori Medical Center, Japan)
Young Han Lee (Severance Hospital, Korea)
16:00-16:20 Upper Extremity Seok Hahn
(Inje University Haeundae Paik Hospital, Korea)

16:20-16:40 Lower Extremity Kaoru Kitsukawa
(Chiba University Hospital, Comprehensive Radiology Center, Japan)

16:40-17:00 Spinal Imaging with DLR -What Happens Next- Asako Yamamoto
(Teikyo University School of Medicine, Japan)

17:00- Oral Presentation
November 8 (Fri.)
SY07) MR Application in Prostate Cancer (English) Vista 3
Chairs: Chan Kyo Kim (Samsung Medical Center, Korea)
Sung Bin Park (Asan Medical Center, Korea)
16:00-16:30 Quality Control Scoring System for mpMRI of Prostate Weon Jang
(Jeonbuk National University Hospital, Korea)

16:30-17:00 Application of the PSMA Fusion PET/MR in Prostate Cancer Li-Jen Wang
(Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chinese Taipei)

17:00-17:30 Benign Lesions Mimic Prostate Cancer on MRI Chunmei Li
(Beijing Hospital, China)

November 8 (Fri.)
SY08) Neuropsychiatry and Memory (English) Grand 1
Chairs: Seung Hong Choi (Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea)
Jaeseok Park (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
16:00-16:20 Processing of Human Memory Retrieval in the Brain Sue-Hyun Lee
(Seoul National University, Korea)

16:20-16:40 Structural Variability in the Frontoinsular Network and the Social Preferences of Adolescents Sunhae Sul
(Pusan National University, Korea)

16:40-17:00 Toward Building a Decision-Making Paradigm for Dynamic and Real-World Addictive Behaviors Woo-Young Ahn
(Seoul National University, Korea)

17:00-17:20 The Neuroscience of Memory-Based Learning Rongjun YU
(Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China)

17:20-17:30 Discussion
November 8 (Fri.)
MS06) Bridging Structural and Functional Imaging (English) Grand 2+3
Chairs: Ilwoo Park (Chonnam National University Hospital, Korea)
Taekwan Lee (Korea Brain Research Institute, Korea)
16:00-16:20 Myelin Water Imaging for in Vivo Myelin Quantification Shannon Kolind
(University of British Columbia, Canada)

16:20-16:40 Whole-Brain Mapping of Effective Connectivity by fMRI with Cortex-Wide Patterned Optogenetics Hyun Seok Moon
(Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)

16:40-17:00 Anterior Cingulate Cortex-Related Functional Hyperconnectivity Underlies Sensory Hypersensitivity in Grin2b-Mutant Mice Soowon Lee
(Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Korea)

17:00- Oral Presentation
November 8 (Fri.)
SY09) Recent Advances in Clinical Application of Breast MRI (English) Grand 4+5
Chairs: Young Mi Park (Busan Paik Hospital, Korea)
Sung Hun Kim (The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul St. Mary's Hospital, Korea)
16:00-16:30 Update in BIRADS: Breast MRI Su Min Ha
(Seoul National University Hospital, Korea)

16:30-17:00 MR Interpretation in Women Treated with Neoadjuvant Systemic Therapy Mi-ri Kwon
(Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, Korea)

17:00-17:30 Quantitative MRI Analysis and Breast Cancer Risk Prediction Shandong Wu
(University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, USA)

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Hosted By
The Korean Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine [KSMRM]
ICMRI2024 Secretariat: People-X, Inc.
1F, Haeoreum B/D, 16, Yeoksam-ro 17-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06246, Korea / E-mail.
  • Tel. +82-2-566-5950 (Scientific Program/Abstract), +82-70-4895-6068 (Registration), +82-2-566-5951 (Sponsorship)
  • / Fax. +82-566-6087
  • Copyright©Korean Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
  • 사업자명 : 대한자기공명의과학회
  • 사업자등록번호 : 209-82-67792
  • 대표 : 이정희

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